Alienware M14x R2 AM14RX2-7222BK 14-Inch Laptop

Alienware M14x R2 AM14RX2-7222BK 14-Inch LaptopI would like to say this laptop runs great for any medium setting games you wish to play. The custom lighting is also very fun to fool around with. It does its job but not as much as you would expect for the price tag. You are definitely paying for the name brand.

However, the most important part is the fact that this laptop is faulty. The left hinge breaks after a certain amount of time no matter how well you treat your computer. It just happens. The real bummer is that Dell customer service refuses to acknowledge this problem and forces a hefty price tag to fix it. Also, this computer seems to have an overheating problem.


Runs great

Cool Settings


Hinge Problem



Dell's warranty is terrible. If you have any problem with your laptop, they will not help you. I owned a 14x R1. The craftsmanship of Alienware line is gone. Don't want you be the next victim. Don't believe me? Just go Google M14x hinge problem in google. You will know why. I have the hinge problem.

Update 1: I try to fix the hinge problem myself, so I opened up the monitor . Both hinges are mounted to two tiny magnesium plates. The problem is, the left hinge is 2 mm thick with a big cut out in the middle, and right one is a solid 6 mm plate. The uneven force distribution is what made the hinge fail. I try to look for replacement in ebay(search M14x hinge and see it for yourself). It seems like the R2 has the same design. $5 epoxy glue fixed it for me, don't know how long that last.

Buy Alienware M14x R2 AM14RX2-7222BK 14-Inch Laptop Now

At first I was like "yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!" after a while i notice that it wasn't all that great and I'm 50/50 with this! It can't even handle League Of Legends when i play it

Read Best Reviews of Alienware M14x R2 AM14RX2-7222BK 14-Inch Laptop Here

I am absolutely in love with the color scheme and everything about the placement of the ports / HDMI INPUT!!! my only complaint ( day one of getting it) is that it has no numberpad... just gotta get used to not having it. everything runs so quickly compared to my last computer.. i didn't realize how fast an i5 processor was.

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I have been an owner of this exact product for the past 3 months, and all i can say is it has become a living nightmare! I bought this product to function as my main computer for both college and gaming, and when researching this product all i did was look at the good reviews and didn't pay much attention to the bad ones, and friends telling me not to buy it. When i first received this laptop and tried to download a game from disc, it would not and i needed to restart the computer to make it load from disc every time. If you have this problem too when you get this, only things to come in the near future are blue screens related to the motherboard, and by then it will be too late to get a refund.

For me, it has been only 3 months, i have gone through over 300 minutes of tech support, 2 motherboard replacements(each time needing a technician to come and do the replacement), and now a complete computer replacement coming while i have to deal with a computer with no sound and a broken graphic chip for 10+ days, yet its to hard for dell to give a refund. If this was just 1 motherboard, i would say, oh one faulty piece of equipment and no worries, but 3, factory new, BROKEN motherboards, all with the same issues, and its clear they have low quality standards for such and expensive piece of equipment.

All i can say, is if you read this, and you decide not to buy this product or ANYTHING from dell, then i guarantee you i have just saved you money and frustration. And if you did buy this product and have no problems. I am glad you had a good experience, but the fact i am not the only one with this type of problem on such and expensive piece of hardware, is reason enough to see that Dell has quality problems and do not strive for a uniform product standard and see our difference in opinions as prof of my claim.

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