ASUS F75A-EH51 17.3-Inch Laptop

ASUS F75A-EH51 17.3-Inch Laptopit was a gift for my mother and she loves it.Seams to be a great machine,no problems so far.Shipping was fast.Thank you!

It's a nice laptop at a good price, but Windows 8 is everything it shouldn't be. An entirely unintuitive operating system. I installed a start button, on a 7 emulator, which helps but doesn't fix it.

I would happily give the laptop itself 5 stars.

Buy ASUS F75A-EH51 17.3-Inch Laptop Now

Awesome I would reccomend this. Very easy to use and I love the app style where everything is right there in front of you where it's quicker to get to the things you need to.

Read Best Reviews of ASUS F75A-EH51 17.3-Inch Laptop Here

I have a 4 1/2 year old Dell laptop and I thought it was time to replace it with a newer laptop. I have had no problems whatsoever with my Dell in all that time. I fully expected and wanted to buy a new Dell with a 17 inch screen but the prices seemed a bit high. By the way I'm a "Make or buy American" guy and I have been in Austin, Texas where the Dell headquarters is/was(?). I made the minor mistake of asking one of our computer whizzes at work what he thought about Dells and he gave me that vague look and speech "Dells are OK" but then he said "I've heard a lot of good stuff about ASUS". So I looked up ASUS up on the internet and all I saw was an address in search stopped there and I thought I was getting an American brokered (at least) computer. ASUS was cheaper because it's all foreign.


-The DVD player skips and burps, even on brand new disks.

-Going to the Start screen interrupts or stops other functions.

-I'm not sure if the Instant On feature is giving me the good and refreshing benefits of a cold start.

-It just doesn't seem that much faster than my 4 1/2 year old Dell laptop.

I'm just kinda' surprised.

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