Acer Aspire V3-731-4473 17.3" Notebook PC

Acer Aspire V3-731-4473 17.3' Notebook PCThere is only one problem with this laptop...Windows 8, it lasted less than 45 minutes before I returned to Windows 7 Ultimate.

Now the computer is a joy to use. I have 29 years as an IT tech and I think Windows 8 won't be ready for prime time for at least another year if at all.

I am amazed by this computer. Big 17.3" screen, resolution is great. Sound is awesome. It was recommended to me by my computer tech. He said it is an excellent computer, especially the price. He set it all up for me.

Buy Acer Aspire V3-731-4473 17.3" Notebook PC Now

Windows 8 is the AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would not have purchase this if I knew how bad windows 8 is. DO NOT buy anything with windows 8!

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