Panasonic Toughbook T8 CF-T8EWDTZ2M 12" Laptop 120G HDD

Panasonic Toughbook T8 CF-T8EWDTZ2M 12' Laptop 120G HDDI have this laptop, which was provided for my use, at work. I am a hospice nurse, who performs numerous home visits daily. This laptop is the perfect size, and weight. The keyboard is perfect. We recently switched from using the toughbook to a Samsung galaxy tablet. I HATE THE TABLET!!!! Personally, I prefer having a keyboard for typing. Pecking on a tablet is tiresome, bothersome, and tedious. Sadly, this is the direction we are all headed in, due to the fast growing technology field. However, I see it as a downfall. My documentation is not as good on the tablet, because I cannot "peck" as fast as I can type. Because I loved this laptop so much at work, I am looking to buy one for personal use. I would recommend purchasing the toughbook to anyone who is considering purchasing. You won't be disappointed.....


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