Apple MacBook Air 13.3 inch Laptop 2008 MB003LL/A

Apple MacBook Air 13.3 inch Laptop 2008 MB003LL/AI bought my Macbook Air MB003LL/A used from ebay. Ive always been a fan of apple, having an iphone and ipad and decided to leave windows behind a try a macbook. Buying a 5 year old laptop can definitely be a gamble. Once i received the laptop i automatically feel in love with the design and extreme lightweight feeling. Once i started using it i can tell a noticeable difference with the speed of this used 5 year old macbook and my 2 year old windows laptop. The macbook is so much faster. I use to think maybe my internet connection was just slow but no, windows was slow. I am completely amazed at the quality. I can see why people pay so much money for a macbook, it will definitely last longer than any other computer out there. I am happy with my purchase. bye bye windows!!


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