They outsourced their customer service to India. Try getting them to understand anything you are saying. Its like talking to a box of rocks. I'm not a computer genius but even I knew what the problem was. I argued on the phone with him for hours. They are useless. I will never buy another Dell nor would I recommend it to anyone. Which is a shame because I have owned 3 Dell computers and they were all reliable. I think they are losing more and more customers with every computer they send out.I can't remember the specifics of the older model Dell laptop I had for four years, but I loved it & it treated me well. The only reason I bought a new one was because the hard drive popped out of the old one, & before I realized it could just be popped back in I had already ordered the 1525.
This computer is like an $800 headache. I don't even care that it came with Vista, because honestly it hasn't given me that many problems & I'm not picky about my operating platform, so long as it gets the job done. (Although, I will say, it comes with a completely useless graphics driver, & I had to downgrade to the previous edition of the driver to get basic games to run.) I've been lucky & haven't had the battery or trackpad problems everybody else complains about. But even as one of the "lucky" ones, I'd had to deal with my fair share of crap from this model.
1. The left mouse button is permanently stuck in the down position. It still functions, but it doesn't have that satisfying "click" that mouse buttons are supposed to have. This may sound like a superficial problem, but it's not. You want to know when you've clicked the mouse. As far as I can tell from browsing message boards & forums, everybody who has this computer has this problem. As an Inspiron 1525 owner, it's something you'll just come to accept.
2. Like many people have noted, it gets hot. Dangerously hot. Not a "lap" top.
3. The screen! Bane of my existence!
a. First of all, there's no clasp or magnets to ANYTHING to hold the screen down when it's closed. What's up with that, Dell? If you're carrying your laptop in a bag or something the screen just flops around, bouncing as it pleases off the keyboard. Well, you know... WHO EXPECTS LAPTOPS TO BE PORTABLE ANYWAY?
b. MAJOR MAJOR HINGE PROBLEMS. I've just spent the last week of my life without a computer at all because I had to order new hinges. The screws holding the display together are so weak & the plastic so flimsy that the metal hinges work themselves out of alignment in no time, causing the laptop to give a mighty CRACK when you open it & eventually causing the metal hinge to become exposed &, in my case, non-functional. This can be dangerous, as the trauma caused by the cracking or hinge popping out can crack the screen. Luckily, my screen was unaffected. But I had to take the whole display apart myself & replace the stupid hinges. Now it's working fine, better than it did when I got it actually -makes me wonder if the people at Dell even bothered to screw the hinges in all the way or not. But I know this problem will resurface again in no time & need constant surveillance & maintenance. Who needs a laptop they're going to have to dissect every six months? It's ludicrous.
You know, I'm absolutely not a picky person. I'm just a regular chick who needs a laptop for work, school, & play. I'm not some tech geek who feels it's my job to complain about every flaw in a gadget in order to make myself feel superior. I am the Everyman. I don't know anything about laptops. All I know is that I have had this computer for a little over a year (ONE YEAR, A SINGLE MEASLY YEAR) & it has caused me nothing but stress. When I buy an expensive electronic, I expect it to work, & not to break until I've dropped it or at least gotten a few good years of use out of it. I don't have money to throw around on upgrades or new equipment. No matter how low the price, this laptop just isn't worth the time, money, or trouble. It's a big, overheating, screen-cracking, mouse-malfunctioning, bulky piece of junk.
Buy Dell Inspiron 1525 - Pentium Dual Core 1.73 GHz - 15.4 - 4 GB Ram - 320 GB HDD Now
Dell has had problems with this line of laptops. Although you have many features and seemingly high end components, you will be disappointed with performance.Primarily, you will be very dissatisfied with:
the trackpad pointer, which is erratic and buggy for which Dell has no fixes, nor are any forthcoming
the CD/DVD tray phantom ejection problem, which is also well documented by users on Dell's own customer web site; again no fix forthcoming
loads of adware/Dell-promos which get annoying and will make you wipe your HDD to start fresh.
Avoid the Inspiron line altogether. Dell has dropped the ball completely here.
Disclaimer: I currently have a higher end Dell Inspiron with a full Core2Duo/250GB/3GB. I have tried to use the Dell/Best Buy Geek Squad coverage, but this is a un-usable perk, since Dell will do nothing except refer you to Best Buy, who will insist on taking the laptop from you for an indeterminate period (last time it was for 2 months, with them saying they couldn't fix it, and provided another faulty replacement). I cannot give up my only PC and send it to limbo! Just what do they expect me to do with all my private and personal data???!!!
Again, do yourself a favor and AVOID DELL. If not, then you have only yourself (and Dell) to blame!I bought the Dell Inspiron 1525 as a high-school graduation gift for my daughter last year. She took it to college and had nothing but problems. The laptop would shut down for no apparent reason. We spent hours on the phone with Dell support who could not fix the problem. Since that time I have done a number of internet searches and found that this particular model has a tendency to overheat, which causes the laptop to automatically shut down. End of story I bought my daughter an Apple Macbook and she is very happy. Stay away from Dell.
Want Dell Inspiron 1525 - Pentium Dual Core 1.73 GHz - 15.4 - 4 GB Ram - 320 GB HDD Discount?
This is not a "lap" top. Every time it is on my lap it overheats. I have to put it on the corner of the table so it can "blow off steam." The fan goes on a lot because the ventilation vents are on the bottom. Other than that, it is OK.
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