This unit was easy to set up. Very easily connected to my home wireless network. It even detected the printer/scanner, searched for the appropriate drivers and voila, done.
Video web camera does a decent job. It can't compete with the video retina system of a Mac, but, I wasn't expecting it either.
I am not a gamer so I can't comment on that. There is a way for you to directly go to "Gateway Games" but I don't care and I most likely will delete it soon.
It came already preloaded with Skype, Netflix and others.
The keyboard takes a little to get used to. Even though it is a full size keyboard, the keys are placed too close together, perhaps to make room for the separate numbers keyboard. The keys are completely flat, so it is easy for your fingers to slip. A minor inconvenience.
The laptop has a compact card reader in the front. Useful. A little hard to open and close.
DVD: I only used it to read so far works fine. USB ports: 3.
The plug for the power cord is on the left, I like that.
The laptop is very quiet and does not emit too much heat. The case is plastic, and perhpas it is not too sturdy. Hard to know for me at this point if it will endure constant "traveling" . It is main;y going to be a stationary back up unit for me.
Overall, I like it and I would recommend it to others for Word and Excel type of work. For a little over $300 it is a great buy.
Less than what I paid for a Netbook and an external DVD player/writer which -netbookoverheated and had problems connecting to the internet after less than a year of use.This lap wont run Crysis won't play the next version of Call of Duty that's no secret. If you thought so then your a moron, if your looking for a high end gaming rig go somewhere else. This laptop is perfect for everyday computing. That means surfing the web, word processing, projects, reading, office work, media playing, movie watching and video streaming. This even handles the online cloud gaming service "OnLive" very well. Windows 7 is a dream come true and I can honestly say is a treat to work on and I enjoy it very much. I have suffered no hiccups or slow down only shear excitement when I turn the thing on every time. I say that because I worked on a netbook for the last 4 years plus this is just such a huge upgrade from that. No I don't work for gateway I work for Comcast and I picked this up at my local target on clearance only because they are not selling this model anymore. It was sold to me with factory seal intact. Sorry if any of my spelling is wrong I'm at work right now. If you see this laptop in any store pick it up and stay away from netbooks or over priced tablets. Enjoy!A laptop that works for what a laptop should do. Looks like they're out of stock though so you might have to consider another model.This small beauty performs like a giant. Its presentation is perfect and looks very nice, the only thing regrettable is the hard drive capacity, but for the price paid is totally fair. I recommend it without a doubt.i am a senior citizen and windows 8 was not easy for me to use and i felt unprotected with it new format, but this laptop with windows7 is perfect for me. i really enjoy using it
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