Edge E520 15.6" 500GB 4GB

Edge E520 15.6' 500GB 4GBI bought this business laptop for my personal use two weeks ago. I'm so impressed with its performance. Typing is really fun on this laptop! It takes a bit of time to get used to the keyboard as my older keyboards are quite different than Lenovo's.

The red pointer in the middle of the keyboard is extremely helpful! I don't think I will ever use the regular mouse-pad.

This laptop comes with a Intel i5 processor, 500 GB of hard disk and 4 GB of Memory; perfect specifications for my daily use.

What I really liked about this laptop also is how quiet it is! You hear no noise at all. The fan seems totally mute! The laptop does not get hot at all even after many many hours of usage!

Lenovo is surely a great company who knows how to manufacture laptops that will last for long times. Their ThinkPad line of laptops in my opinion is the best.

If you are looking to buy a laptop with a decent price, I recommend this one.

This is the one! I spent a lot of time researching a replacement for my 4 year old 17" Toshiba Satellite. I was impressed with a colleague's ThinkPad that I used a couple weeks ago and decided to look for a Lenovo rather than what would have been my third Toshiba. What made this particular E520 stand out was its Intel Core i5 processor and low price. There are many E520s with the Core i3 processor and also many E525s with AMD's Fusion processor for slightly lower prices, but they are both entry level entry level processors. I probably don't need the extra processing capability of the i5 but it is nice to know that it is there and I always try to buy things that are slightly better than middle of the road.

The 4GB of RAM is plenty, but a 4GB upgrade was only about $20.00, so I went ahead and ordered to max out the system. Windows 7 Professional, Bluetooth, and the fingerprint reader are nice extras that you won't likely elsewhere for the sub-$600 price tag.

Amazon Marketplace's partner Abe's of Maine exceeded my expectations by promptly shipping my order, I received it one day ahead of Amazon's earliest delivery estimate.

Buy Edge E520 15.6" 500GB 4GB Now

Being a self-taught techie I have used, abused and destroyed many top shelf quality products. I currently work in very unforgiving and hostile environments, with heat, dirt, dust, moisture and more mosquitos than I know what to do with. Over the years I have had the top of the line laptops such as Asus Pro, HP Elitebook, Panasonic Toughbook and the infamous Getac. All were great laptops, most were milspec but eventually they all had issues. Cheap parts would break prematurely, Hard Drives burn out, optical drives quit working. Last year I wound up down range with my Panisonic tough book and started having major issues. On my next trip through the states I ordered a Lenovo W520. This was a lot heavier than expected with the 120w charger and large long lasting battery pack, but a year later is near indestructible. It has been to the mountains in the cold, deserts in summer and on planes, trains and automobiles. The most taxing of which are the family road tirps where the kids in the back seat are using it for a movie player. When my wife needed a new laptop I didn't hesitate and shop around trying to get the best deal I could, I when straight for Lenovo again. This time I settled on the less rugged E520 series. Amazingly I stumbled upon the best price I could and bought hers for aroud $550 from Amazon. The seller had it shipped and delivered in 56hrs and my wife was back on line and skyping with me by the end of the week. This machine is not the best on the market but for the price it is a very good value. Thus far it has survived a toddler juice incident that her old HP or Ideabook would have taken like Fukushima meltdown. My personal W520 has drains in the keyboard for these, the E520 does not but has some technology that helps in these situations.

Though Lenovo is not the best on the market I feel they are one of the top line manufactures. If you are looking for a very well built machine that is tough and can take abuse look no further.

Read Best Reviews of Edge E520 15.6" 500GB 4GB Here

Laptop is okay for it's price. But I want to write about the warranty lenovo provides.

After 10 months of use, mouse pad started behaving differently. So I created case with Lenovo as my Laptop was still covered under warranty. My case was pending with billing department for review (Though I never got the call for this). When I called them up after 8 days, they said that they found substance inside the laptop; hence it's not covered under warranty. And biggest joke that repair cost will be 900 dollars.

My first reaction was that I got it for 500 dollars and they want me to pay 900 dollars for repair. What on earth this makes sense !!

I had also sent the new keypad in the box and requested them to replace my old keypad with new one as some of the keys had come out. That also they were not ready to do. ALL or NOTHING.

Okay.. Then I requested, do not repait my laptop; Just swap the keypad. BUT NO. They Cannot. ALL or NOTHING.

Pissed off and asked them to send my laptop back unrepaired.

DO NOT Suggest LENOVO to anyone for it's sheer unwillingness to help Customers !!

Never experienced such bad support in my life yet .....

Want Edge E520 15.6" 500GB 4GB Discount?

Lenovo Thinkpad E520 that were manufactured in the last quarter of 2011 have a faulty EEPROM chip. This means eventually the laptop won't start up. Lenovo has recognized there is a problem, but will not replace the faulty chip if the laptop is out of warranty. My E520 was two months out of warranty when it quit working. Lenovo informed me I will have to pay them to replace the chip that was faulty in the first place. Beware!!


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