Dell Gaming Laptop 17" XPS M1730

Dell Gaming Laptop 17' XPS M1730This notebook is more like a desktop that folds, let's just lead with that. It is HEAVY, and designed more for gamers than for people who will be on the go for most of the time. That said, it was (and is) a powerful machine, with enough processing power and memory to get even fairly heavy-duty programs running well. I have installed Windows 7 on my model, and would recommend both the OS and the computer to anyone looking for a gaming laptop. In addition to the impressive hardware specs, I have to say that mine was durable as well; even though I dropped it twice, and once it got pulled off a couch because my brother tripped on the power cord, it survived without a problem and Dell replaced the cosmetically damaged components for me. To sum up, I think this is a great computer at what it does; powerful, cool-looking, and durable.

I signed in just because someone might buy this garbage. Nothing about this pc is worth 2 grand. I would pay 150-200 tops. The specs are completely outdated. You can go to walmart and buy a 300 dollar laptop with better specs than this. Unbelievable.

Buy Dell Gaming Laptop 17" XPS M1730 Now

This laptop is amazing, its a 2007 computer that is able to run 2013 games at lowish specs. I got mine for around 300 dollars. The seller that is asking for that ridicules price should be ashamed.

Read Best Reviews of Dell Gaming Laptop 17" XPS M1730 Here

Just to inform any buyers of this laptop, this is not a gaming laptop. Dell has two branches of other computers. There gaming laptops are Alien ware and their high performance is XPS. XPS will not have as good graphics cards or Ram. The Alienwares will be faster for gaming and most likely be a better all around computer, but this laptop will be perfect for advanced computing and will run most games fine. If you are looking for a computer to play games on, turn to specific gaming computers.

Want Dell Gaming Laptop 17" XPS M1730 Discount?

This laptop needs to be reviewed in a certain different ways before it is automatically judged, first off, this laptop was made years ago, so if your looking to play games that were made yesterday you will likely be disappointed, laptops in general are usually not able to play future games over 2 years or so, if you like to play games like CoD4 or less restrictive games like LoL or Combat Arms then this laptop will do nicely. Its also worth considering that if you upgrade the ram from 2 gb to 4gb and also upgrade the video card to a GeForce 9800 2gb G.R.A.M then you should have no problem playing modern games, think about this, if you go to the battlefield 3 website and look at the minimum system requirements you will see that this laptop meets them all, even years later it can play a game like battlefield 3, the only thing that would be necessary to change is the operating system because it doesn't support windows XP. so including the laptop price, you would likely spend about $750 on this laptop with upgrades to the ram and graphics card, you tell me if you can find a laptop for that much with these specs anywhere else, its especially good if you cant afford to pay that amount right now, because the ram and graphics card can be purchased later.


Unknown said...

i am using dell xps 15 as gaming laptop now and it works perfect...MrSparePartsOnline

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