The speakers do a very good job. The look and feel is also nice. Overall I love this piece.I really like the laptop. The built quality is good. It doesn't feel like cheap plastic.The processor is fast along with the graphics. This is not a gaming laptop, but it can handle games pretty well. Portal 2 runs with no lag at all with stock settings in native resolution (some things on low and some other are in high). It runs Far Cry 3 on low with a low frame rate but it is playable, I finished the game on this laptop. COD black ops 2 runs better than expected. I have no lag on stock settings on native resolution.
The hard drive on the laptop is pretty slow making the computer slow overall. Maybe it's not that bad. I may just be used to SSDs.
I upgraded the laptop with a SSD and 8GB of RAM and the laptop screams. It is the fastest computer I have had and I come from a not so old mac that had a SSD. The computer boots up in only 10 seconds from the time I press the power button to the desktop. I installed windows 8 and I have no problems at all. I did install some drivers from the asus website.
-Fast Ivy bridge processor.
-not too heavy
-good build quality
-never gets hot, even while gaming for hours it just gets a little warm.
-quiet. I never hear the fans with normal use. While gaming I can barely hear them.
-sound is good. I haven't tested how loud they can get since I always use headphones but whenI used them they sounded very clear and looked loud considering volume was at less than half.
-battery it's fine. Not the best battery life out there but it's normal for a laptop like this.
-stock hard drive too slow. I bought a SSD
-It is only using one RAM slot, which makes it slower. I bought a pair of samsung RAM and the Windows experience index jumped from 6.something to 7.5. (everything but the graphics is above 7.0)
-the space bar in the keyboard doesn't always register when you press it. You just have to press it all the way and its fine.
-I which the screen had more viewing angles, but I don't complain because this is a cheap laptop
I recomend this laptop to anyone. Whether you are looking for a laptop for school, just browsing the internet, videos, light gaming, etc this is a good choice if you don't want to spend a lot of money.
Buy ASUS K55A Core i5-3210M 2.5GHz 4GB 500GB DVD±RW 15.6" Win 7 Notebook Now
Pros: Lightweight, plenty of storage and memory, instant on technology.Cons: OS was faulty from the get go, freezing and crashing within a month. Finally got it to stop after the 3rd restore, this time using back-up disks from another computer. The touch pad is as others have described very touchy and you end up touching it unintentionally. This results in text inadvertently highlighted and deleted, inserted into the wrong place and sometimes tricky navigation.
Overall, it can do what you want a Win 7 computer to do. Why it comes with all the Pen and Touchscreen software installed is beyond me this is not a touchscreen computer. But expect some hiccups here and there. We've really tried to get used to the mouse pad and adjust the settings, etc., but there is just no getting around it. It is poorly designed/positioned.
There are better laptops out there for the price or less. I would encourage you to buy one of those, not this one.
Read Best Reviews of ASUS K55A Core i5-3210M 2.5GHz 4GB 500GB DVD±RW 15.6" Win 7 Notebook Here
Just got this sleek little laptop yesterday. I am truly amazed with the design, how fast it runs and etcetera. A great laptop for the price. Windows 8 isn't hard to operate, just give it some time and you won't want to go back to the other operating systems.Want ASUS K55A Core i5-3210M 2.5GHz 4GB 500GB DVD±RW 15.6" Win 7 Notebook Discount?
Got this peice of equipment for christmas, and first off, i loved the feel of the windows 8 along with not having to use the apps side of it, it almost has a windows 7 feel. so as soon as i opened it, i went to install cod4, i was a little worried because on system requirement labs it said i only had 35 mb of dedicated video ram, i was surprised because average for even the low end pc is 256mb, so i was worried but knew the worst to come would be little jumps and lags, but no, cod4 on medium settings gave me about a 65-70 framerate, (not including shadows and antiantalyzing) at the strange resolution of 1366x 768 which is one i had never seen, so after that i purchased MW3, it gives me a 4591 (cap) framerate on low settings, which is AMAZING, not sure and if someone could answer why blackops 1 gives me only 15-55 when there is no off to the pros.
-sleek design,
-GREAT for casual gamers,
-good processor
-GREAT screen
-Good camera
-good keyboard
-nonjittery mouse pad
-easy typing
-kind of heavy, not somthing to carry arond in your hands so invest in a laptop bag.
-cheap feeling mouse pad (but still good)
-a wide base (under the keyboard etc.)
so if i coul, 9/10 would give 10 if they would give it a star button on the desktop and make it lighter
-any questions feel free to leave a comment!
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