Acer Aspire 15" laptop w/ 2GB RAM & DVDRW

Acer Aspire 15' laptop w/ 2GB RAM & DVDRWThis unit will do exactly what it says it will ready for use out of the box and it shipped very quickly. My wife loves it!

Bought this laptop for my 14 yr old son. He's a big Runescape fan. I've heard no complains or problems. Well worth the money.

Buy Acer Aspire 15" laptop w/ 2GB RAM & DVDRW Now

It has ben few years and still use it daily with no problems. Being an older person and retired it was an excellent buy.

Thank you!!

Read Best Reviews of Acer Aspire 15" laptop w/ 2GB RAM & DVDRW Here

They actually sent me the wrong charger for the computer. Charger would not stay connected to computer, unless I had it sitting on a flat surface, could not work on computer while charging, it would continuously fall out. Come on guys if your going to sell a refurbished $300.00 computer at least send a universal charger that will fit the darn thing. Besides that the computer pretty fast,

Want Acer Aspire 15" laptop w/ 2GB RAM & DVDRW Discount?

ok i have this computer i bought it at bestbuy i have hadit for over 2yrs and i have noticed the fan doesent really work u have to have the computer on a flat surface for it to really work i dont know why but the fan doesent really cool the computer down over all its a greeat computer but if ur not on top of its maintanace it will slow down severly.


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