CompuLab fit-PC3 Pro Diskless
Posted by
on Sunday, June 29, 2014
Don't let its size fool you, this computer is very powerful. My husband didn't do much to the system except add a laptop hard drive to it; I am sure if he adds more RAM to it, the computer would run much faster but it is already fast. We don't really need this computer to do much because it is mainly used by the kids to play chess and do ear training and some other educational software. As a parent, I got this computer mainly because it is low in EMF. Since the kids use the computer a couple hours a day, I'd like them to be exposed to as little EMF as possible. Also, it doesn't hurt that this little machine uses very little energy as compared to a regular computer.I owned a Fit-PC2 for a few years, and recently sold it on eBay and replaced it with a Fit-PC3 Pro (diskless). These computers are fantastic tech; the build quality is amazing, and they run relatively cool and using very little power. I threw a Samsung 840 Pro SSD in the PC3, installed Windows 8 x64, plugged in three 2GB external drives and it's the best torrent box ever. The PC2 worked fine in the same capacity, but the PC3 (with four times the amount of RAM as the PC2 and more than twice the processing power) runs quite a bit more smoothly. A great purchase.
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