Installed everything, and started to use it normally, then I found that the volume is very bad. Its very low compared to HP. But the screen and the colours are very good.
Also the base gets heated up very fast. After using for some 45 min, the base of the laptop is like a burner.
I dont know, I didnt like the laptop for this volume & Heat and thought of returning back. I called up J&R and they gave me a RA number, I sent my laptop to them and after 1 week I got my money back.
Both Amazon and J&R are excellent.Plenty of cool stuff and used to be a good value for money at acquisition (march2006).
Draw backs: Speakers are terrible (miss the Harman option) and processor overheats Notebook shell and mouse pad making it unpleaseant to use.
Last, but not least, the screen started to generate an inch wide vertical line that soon after expanded into a second one and who knows where this will end (september2006).
A shame warranty does not cover it!
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