Acer 15.6" Blu-Ray Aspire AS5551-4200 Laptop PC with AMD Turion X2 Dual-Core P520 Processor, 4GB DD

Acer 15.6' Blu-Ray Aspire AS5551-4200 Laptop PC with AMD Turion X2 Dual-Core P520 Processor, 4GB DDR3 Meory, 320GB Hard Drive, Blu-Ray Disc Drive & Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit EditionI got this from Walmart for $533 (got a $50 discount) and I've owned it for about 8 months now. I LOVE IT. Its my first laptop. I've NEVER had any issues with it. Its very fast and the HD quality of it is great. It was by far the cheapest BluRay/HD laptop I could find. I use it for 10+ hours every day and I have had no issues with overheating (knock on wood). Youtube HD videos look great, so do BluRay DVDs but I don't tend to use it to watch movies. I can connect it via HDMI to my TV if I want to watch something on the bigger screen too.

The one thing I can't figure out, is the HD webcam. It says its HD, but when you try to record in HD it doesn't let you. I tried getting support for it to figure out why, and was told I"d need to pay an outrageous fee to even speak to someone about it. So, you can take photos in HD via the built in HD Webcam/software, but you can't take HD videos...

Battery life depends on how bright the screen is. So you can get 4hrs if you have it as dim as it goes. I normally just keep mine plugged in all the time.

I'm glad I got this one, its awesome, and like I said, no problems with it. It runs great.

UPDATE 12/28/2011 Still enjoying this laptop a lot, but I wanted to let everyone know that I no longer get 4hrs on the battery. Its more like 3hrs and it depends on how dim it is and what exactly you are doing on it at the time. Otherwise I've had ZERO issues with this so far *knock on wood*!

UPDATE 8/2/12 This fell off my table backwards about 2-3 months ago while open and on. I can now no longer close the lid because the metal hinge INSIDE the machine has become totally ridged and all the plastic screw threads on that side have broken and come off. If I try to move the monitor at all, the hinge pushes against the keyboard. The only way for me to repair this is to replace the entire bottom casing. Due to this the "lid" to the keyboard is open a tiny bit near where the fan air pushes out...near where the plug is. I'm hoping this doesn't effect it, as I cannot afford to get this unit replaced or fixed. Too bad this happened after the warranty expired.

Occasionally this computer is extremely slow starting up. Tonight it failed entirely. I went to use the restore disks that I made when I first bought the computer and it made it through the pick a language screen and then locked on the choose an option screen only allowing exit. I will never buy an Acer prodct again.

Buy Acer 15.6" Blu-Ray Aspire AS5551-4200 Laptop PC with AMD Turion X2 Dual-Core P520 Processor, 4GB DD Now


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