I purchased this Acer Aspire laptop in refurbished condition in late August of 2011 for under $250.00. Since then I have increased the factory 4gb RAM to a total of 8gb; purchased a Logitech Anywhere mouse (my desk is glass top); an extended warranty to 2 years and a Logitech Sound Bar. What I now own is a super 'puter of reliable, unfaltering speed, great sound and wonderful mousing technique all for well under $400. I am about to buy a 2nd for my significant other and will probably dress hers similarly. I still rely on my PC for rendering digital images ( I am a semi-retired Prof.Photog) as I need an absolute color monitor. But this Acer Aspire aspires to be a little sister. While the bloody thing is spot on with image reproduction, it will remain as an internet surfer,news relater, media projector and shopping tool. I love it and cannot praise it high enough. Who knew Acer was producing such quality electronics. Wish they made cameras if this is indicative of their grasp of the tech world.Nikon and Cannon take note! Do not hesitate to buy this if you are looking to save money and still have a decent portable computer.

i recently purchased this system...owned it for about a 2 months now and so far so good..cant complain as yet...i will have to run a few intense programs on the system to test the performance,,then i will place a follow up review..but i would recommend for someone on a low budget or student
Buy Acer AS5552-3691 Refurbished 15.6" Notebook Now
I got an Acer Aspire 5515 in 2009 and would not trade it for any other computer or brand. The quality of this computer has been out standing, I have changed the memory to 4gb, nothing else has ever need to be fixed or repaired on this computer in 3 years.I highly recommend an Acer if your concidering a new computer. I know I won't buy another brand. Top quality product.
Read Best Reviews of Acer AS5552-3691 Refurbished 15.6" Notebook Here
This is the best laptop I have purchase to date. I like its feel and slim design. It performs as adversitized. I really enjoy this notebook.
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