Apple MacBook Pro ME665LL/A 15.4-Inch Laptop with Retina Display (NEWEST VERSION)

Apple MacBook Pro ME665LL/A 15.4-Inch Laptop with Retina DisplayI purchased the newest version (Early 2013) which had the upgrade to 16GB Ram and 512GB SSD.

The notebook is extremely fast. Computer seems solid, boots in 10-15 seconds from off, sleep to ready in 4-5 seconds. It opens programs in no time flat. It is not light as an air book, but still defiantly lighter than previous models. The screen is great, bright, and responsive. With heavy use I get about 5-5 1/2 hours of use on the battery.

Some peoples complaints are the new power adapter, I will agree with them, the new adapter sticks out further and gets knocked off a lot. Not having a dvd drive, not a big deal...I dont think i've used a dvd or cd in a computer in a few years! If I need to I will just have to purchase the external.

This is by far the best laptop I've ever owned. A 2.7GHz quad-core processor, 16GB RAM and (I opted cheap) 256GB flash storage makes for the fastest, smoothest computing experience I've ever seen! The design is superb, materials are by far the best in any computer, and the overall package blew me away. I've had powerbooks and macbook pros, but this is a whole new level. I love all the trackpad gestures, it makes operating the laptop very intuitive and easy. The display is incredible I can't wait to get photoshop and final cut up and running! No, it doesn't come with a CD/DVD drive and I'm glad it doesn't! Besides, you can get a usb one for pennies on the dollar now if you really need to have a physical disc (I have one lying around that I haven't used in ages). Yes, it's expensive, but I honestly don't foresee ever having to buy another laptop! I'm sure at some point I'll replace the flash memory, but maybe 6-7 years down the road, and 16GB RAM will hold me over forever!

Buy Apple MacBook Pro ME665LL/A 15.4-Inch Laptop with Retina Display (NEWEST VERSION) Now

I ordered this computer on may 21st, received it on may 23rd. The shrink wrap on the box was intact, but when I opened it I found the charger missing. So I called customer support and they were willing to refund the amount for the charger so that I can I pick one up at the apples store, since I was leaving out of the country. I took the computer along with me to the apple store, bought the charger and I also asked them to check it out. They input the serial number on the Mac and guess what showed up.. The name of the owner of the computer and already 20 days of the warranty has lapsed. So I come home call the support and they agreed to refund it. I don't know if the apple store or Amazon is responsible for this. On the whole it was a bitter experience, I never expected this from amazon.

Read Best Reviews of Apple MacBook Pro ME665LL/A 15.4-Inch Laptop with Retina Display (NEWEST VERSION) Here

I bought this computer a year ago and guess how many viruses and problems I've had with it? ZERO!!! This is bar none the BEST computer I've EVER had!!! My step-father and my husband are both in the computer industry. For YEARS, I struggled with PC's and they were always fixing my computer. After my laptop of only 6 months started acting up terribly, I bit the bullet and bought the macbook pro. I got it directly through Apple. They were WONDERFUL!!! They were AMERICANS and spoke ENGLISH that I could understand. With the infinite patience of Job, they helped me choose the right computer for me, as there are many options on the Macbook pro. I wound up with a middle of the road 15" which is PERFECT for my school, professional and personal needs. I invested in the Apple Care extended warranty and the year of lessons (One to One membership). The screen is beautiful and the images are crisp and clear. I LOVE the keyboard that lights up in the dark. I was able to set it up and install software MYSELF, which is something I've NEVER been able to do with the old PC's. It's a very fast machine with a battery that lasts a long time and is just wonderful. I waited a year to write the review because I wanted to see how many problems I would have. I'm happy to report NONE. Not ONCE have I hollered for my husband or called my step-father out of frustration. In fact, my biological father was so impressed, he got one for himself to use at his office and for personal use! He loves his as well! I also have gotten an ipad, which syncs with this computer, and will be completing the "trilogy" soon with an iphone. All I can say is, this computer just works, and it works wonderfully! If you're reading this, contemplating the price, etc... GO FOR IT!!! You will NEVER regret it! It's worth the extra money to have a product that holds up and works flawlessly. I will NEVER go back to a PC. In fact, when I have to use one, it is frustrating. Windows runs better on my macbook pro than it did on my old PC!!!! Go for it!!! I did and I am a happy and satisfied customer.

Want Apple MacBook Pro ME665LL/A 15.4-Inch Laptop with Retina Display (NEWEST VERSION) Discount?

Here I am at day 10 of ownership trying to decide if I should take advantage of Apple's 14-day return policy and reclaim the better part of my retirement fund back from what until recently was one of the world's richest kingdoms (or companies or whatever).

I'm mostly a PC guy, but I use Mac's enough to appreciate them and perhaps even enough to take them for granted. This is not a device you will take for granted. The refinements in the latest version of Mac OS X (mine came with Mountain Lion) are truly elegant. I giggle a little every time I use it. The retina display defies belief. (Just hope you are lucky enough, as was I, to get one manufactured by Samsung and not an LG display where there is talk of a class action suit for screen burn-in.) It boots almost instantaneously (and I'm grateful for that because mine is rebooting ALL THE TIME). And it's put together in typical gem-like fashion, though I also think the design is starting to appear dated. But I don't need to describe it. People you know who have one can't wait to show it off. And you can just go down to the Apple Store or the Amazon showroom (err, your local Best Buy) and check it out yourself.

I gave up on Macs the first time in 1997 when I had a Power PC and System 7.6 and the stock was trading at $4.00 per share. (Yes, the decimal place is correct.) System 7.6 was also rather elegant (remember, the competition was Windows 95, ugh) but it crashed at least twice a day. The bitter memory of tears shed when I realized I lost forever my precious work that I thought I had saved to disk but really only was just cached took more than a decade to wear off. Only recently have Macs wormed their way back into my cold little heart.

Or so I thought. Not since System 7.6 or Windows ME (which is a repressed memory for probably even Melinda Gates) have I dealt with such a flakey OS. Oy, where do I begin?

Apple indeed does have a Blue Screen of Death. Only it's gray and looks stylish. But it emerges unexpectedly in the middle of doing something or not really much of anything at all, unpredictably, two or three times a day. Kernal Panic is I guess what their calling it nowadays. Get used to it.

Time machine for backups is a model of simplicity. It has two modes. In one mode, with a brilliant and erudite nod to Charles Simonyi's Hungarian code, it flashes nothing but, "The Backup disk image #^&!##!&.sparsebundle is already in use." In the other mode it runs eternally and seemingly won't stop until it backs you up all the way to the Big Bang, or at least until before you existed and hence find yourself pondering existential questions about killing your grandfather and not having to worry about finding the file you were never born to delete.

Then there's the amazing solid state drive. Not only is it fast, but defying the laws of physics, whenever I check the hard drive's "get info" I astonishingly learn that I have more available space than the disk capacity itself, and it grows every day. Here again, Apple has figured out how to magically warp my little scrap of the fabric of the space-time continuum.

When you close that lid to fill up at Starbucks, you'll be glad to know that you'll have plenty of time to drink that cup of Joe. The dang thing takes so long to wake up from sleep, at least when it hasn't fatally OD'd, that you'll be tempted to wonder if coffee is what this machine need. That or Narcan.

One other thing you should know. Apps, like the OS, that are made for the Retina Display are indescribable. There is nothing you will ever see as sharp, not on paper, film, or a screen. Unfortunately, everything else looks like a$$. Want to run Office? How about a year-old version of Photoshop? It's worse than Mr. Magoo without his glasses. Inexplicably, apps that are sharp on lesser Macs and even on cheapo netbooks are so fuzzzy you won't even be able to tell if there is an extra Z or two.

Well, if you've read this far you probably can tell not only do I love this machine, but I love to hate it, or hate to love it. I'm not sure. How can a product this good be so bad? How can I pay so much and be so disappointed but so hesitant to return it to get my money back? You'll just have to own one to understand.


I decided to keep it. Apple has since introduced an update (10.8.3), which has greatly improved the stability of the system. In the two weeks since updating I've only :( had just 4 crashes/freezes requiring reboots, and it no longer reliably freezes when the lid is closed overnight. In contrast, I can't remember when either of the couple-year old Windows 7 systems I use last crashed (if ever)--yet I still prefer to work on this machine. The update to 10.8.3 does completely fix the fan issue; previously, even while idle, the fan would go on at full blast (actually loud enough to interfere with conversation) seemingly for no reason and the only way to stop it was to reboot.

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