A neat feature about this computer is that it is Wacom Penabled and comes with Wacom drivers installed on it. For an artist, like myself, this is very handy as this feature is can utilize the pressure sensitivity of the screen. The 3 gigs of RAM already on the computer work pretty well, but I will be adding another gig to max it out for the artistic programs I use that really consume RAM, like Photoshop or Autodesk Maya. It actually runs fine with the 3 gigs though. It also comes with a little remote control that works with the media content.
Sometimes the fan gets kinda loud, but that seems to happen only when the computer is using a lot of memory. I do not recommend leaving disks in the computer when it is just starting up as it sometimes gives problems at startup. The battery does stick out the back and it is kind of annoying, but that's not really a funtionality issue as it is more of an aestetic issue. The only crappy thing I find is that it is not very easy to find a relatively cheap laptop case that fits it, since it is bigger than a netbook and smaller than most normal laptops but again, that is not a funtionality issue.
Overall, I am very pleased with this computer. It works for everything I need it for.Mother board burned up while I was in Brazil. Could not get it repaired
there since I did not purchase it in Brazil.
The transaction went well. No problem there but HP does have a problem with
laptops over heating.
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