-Dell XPS 13
-Asus UX31A
-Macbook Pro and Air
-much more
So now you know my background, I will give you my list of PROS and CONS
Build Quality. Like the XPS 13, Dell really focused on making the build quality as premium as you can feel. I actually like this feeling more than my macbook pro. I like the rubber underbelly with aluminum casing, very high class and premium. Built like a tank.
Trackpad. A very responsive and accurate trackpad. Very big, very macbook-like.
Battery life. It lasts very long. I get about 6-7 hours when doing light web browsing.
Screen. Like the XPS 13, Dell cheaped out on the screen. They have the same type of screen the macbook air has, but the quality is way worse, and it shows. Viewing angles are very narrow, and colors change with the slightest angle adjustment.
Size. For an "ultrabook" this thing is huge. It has an ULV (ultra low voltage) processor, found in most ultrabooks, but it is as heavy and thick as a macbook pro! For the size, the power on this XPS 14 is very low in comparison with the macbook pro. It also doesn't have a DVD player, or really anything the XPS 13 doesn't have. So to be honest, I don't even know what Dell stuffed into this giant that would explain the size. Maybe more battery?
If you don't mind the heft, I would say this would be a better machine than the XPS 13 due to the better trackpad. Otherwise, I would highly recommend the UX31A from Asus or one of the newer haswell ultrabooks. This machine is targeting a very small audience who prefers (for whatever reason) the heftiness of this laptop over slimmer and lighter ultrabooks, even though the size doesn't give any extra power or utility.Looked at several Ultrabooks -looking for a 14", aluminum finish, etc. Many manufacturers have similar designs, but execution is where it's at. I have Lenovo Thinkpads and Macbooks at work and other Dell desktop products. Let's go right to the pros/cons:
well-thought-out, solid chassis, little heavy (good thing).
decent keyboard, good feel
good battery life
i5-3317U good mid-range processor
screen. The 1600x900 display was a step up from 1366x768, but the viewing angles (up/down) were just too awful to keep this one. I'm no machine spec snob, but this one thing made the laptop unusable for me.
the palm rest part of the case is too soft and pliable. It attracts/absorbs grease and fingerprints like 2 minutes after you use it making it look like an (old) greasy fry pan.
Even the Inspiron 14z with it's cheaper overall build quality got this right. If you're into aesthetics, this one thing alone will convince you there's no "Mac" logo on the back.
bottom aluminum cap is hard to keep in place.
One more spin of this design should do it.
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