Apple iBook G4 800mhz, 384mb, 30gb, CDROM, Wireless, Leopard

Apple iBook G4 800mhz, 384mb, 30gb, CDROM, Wireless, LeopardI bought this laptop for my son to use while he was looking for a job, figuring that if it held up for 6 months I'd have gotten my money's worth out of it. There were a few small problems at the beginning, but the company that sold it to me stands behind their products and the problems were resolved rather quickly. It's still working just fine! My son is getting more use out of it than we expected. I've "borrowed" it for a few weeks while my Air Book was in the shop. It's a good little laptop.

This was a Pretty clean MacBook. It was way slower than I expected because they put the new software on it but the hardware was older and has a hard time keeping up.

Buy Apple iBook G4 800mhz, 384mb, 30gb, CDROM, Wireless, Leopard Now


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