Dell Inspiron 700m

Dell Inspiron 700mPurchased directly from Dell in Spring, 2004. Still working although I just replaced the OEM power cord with a cheap one from Amazon. Now it charges great and cosmetically it still looks and runs like new.

Some people have had issues with the OEM power cord. Mine worked fine for about 4 yrs. but it became very inefficient and the 'brick' started getting way to hot, but all is good now that I replaced the original adapter.

While the 700m is not as slick as my newer Apple MBP, Win XP Pro is still running fine and all my cool PC games are loaded on it so I hope it lasts 7 more years!

A very lightweight notebook(even lighter than my old Sony VAIO) so it is easy to travel with.

I own 2 batteries the original and a 3rd party battery with longer capacity. The newer battery lasts about 4 hrs unless I watch DVDs and play games continuously. That runs it down in about 2 hrs.

all that needs to be said is if i could find another version of this laptop today, i would buy it again! it is super compact, almost like a netbook, but still has a cd/dvd player.. which a lot of netbooks don't.

i just bought a dell 14 to upgrade, but it just doesn't compare to my little 700m :(

Buy Dell Inspiron 700m Now

I just purchased Dell's newest laptop XPS 15z, wonderful, thin, lots of good

components...but, I can't get it onto my home wireless network. After a long,

protracted and repitive discussion with a Dell tech, she wanted to sell me

some additional software because the new computer already had fragmented

files, etc. (it was diagnosed over the web). I had not even started loading my

Photoshop CS2, or any other programs.

At the same time, my little, old, slow Inspiron 700m goes online (wireless),

does the job albeit very slowly but it does it!

I thought buying from Dell again would be good but it is just frustrating and

time consuming no matter the cost of the product! What a fool am I!

Read Best Reviews of Dell Inspiron 700m Here

I had this laptop for six years, it lasted me through college and grad school. It has a truly beautiful screen, and having a dvd-cd drive is really convenient. Between the optical drive, the nice display, and the faster processor I like this a lot better than my netbook.

Sadly, the motherboard on mine fried after six years, and I am bereaved. It's been two months, and I'm seriously thinking of getting a second used one, because once you upgrade the RAM to have at least a gig then this is a really powerful machine for how small it is, and I've really missed that in my netbook even if the battery life is lacking in the Inspiron. (You'll have about half an hour for movies or games, though it can do about two hours of word processing on a new battery.)

Want Dell Inspiron 700m Discount?

We bought our 700M the year we were moving from New England to Florida (2006). After moving a lot of stuff, including the big computer, to the new house in the winter of 2005/06, we returned north to pack up the rest of the household items. The 700M came with us and was our "only" computer for almost 6 months. We picked up a Kensington USB hub with ports for a parallel printer, an external monitor and a serial keyboard and mouse, and we used the laptop like a CPU for most of the time, connected directly to our cable internet provider.

When the time came to hit the road, the laptop came with us and worked great with hotel hookups, cable, dial up and wi-fi. Because of the small size (and light weight), the keyboard is a bit small for real fast typing and the screen is a bit small, but very clear and bright. Now I am still using it for travel, and also for sitting on the patio or on the couch to read emails and surf the web. It has all the features I have ever needed, plus plenty of computing power and storage. And it looks really cool!! I dread the day this little laptop dies...I don't know what I will replace it with, maybe an upscale netbook, if they are still around.


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