My experience with IBM Tablets started with an X60 Tablet with finger touch as well, and I paid 2K for that one in 2007. Ever since then, I have vowed never to use anything but IBMs. Sadly, with Lenovo, the quality has deteriorated, but is still the best around. This little Tablet is a steal and the only difference between this and all the other Tablets that cost as much as 3x as this is the processor and multi touch.
I miss the multi touch but it is still penabled.
The speed is not as great as I would want, but at this price getting an IBM (Lenovo) Tablet, I could never even dream, they could deliver so much at these prices.
The processor limits the gaming experience (which I do not care much for) and VPN experience is less than stellar. The web surfing experience is good and windows 7 works very well.
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