** Space bar a little too compact/short
** Speakers are crap
** To much pre-loaded Toshiba junk (easily removable in Control Panel)
UPDATEAugust 28th, 2011
**The Good**
1) Laptop is still exceeding my expectations on performance and speed. I have up to 16 browser tabs open at times in addition to Word and graphic files and the performance is still better than my old Dell Inspiron and Toshiba Satellite combined
**The Bad**
1) So this laptop is so sensitive in that in the middle of typing, it will resize your windows; one of the drawbacks of having a touchpad that is flush with the suface of the laptop. You can however, adjust the sensitivity of the touchpad.
2) My other issue is more with the preloaded Windows 7 than an actual issue with the computer itself. If you do a search on Windows 7 issues, one of the known issues is how Windows 7 and the synaptic device on the computer interacts. Basically, when you type on the keyboard, the information does not show up, rather, new tabs or windows pop open. If you are using a browser window, trying to type info into the address bar will actually open a new window. This has been proving extremely annoying and so far the only way I have found (short of disabling touchpad/mouse)is to ctrl+alt+del and then log out and log back in.
Buy Toshiba Satellite L755-S5271 15.6-Inch LED Laptop (Grey) Now
In my opinion this is the best laptop on the market for the price. I bought this because my previous laptop stopped working after three years of use and after reading the specs on this laptop it caught my attention. I think the best thing about it is that it's VERY fast! And quite honestly I think that is the most important thing to most people, especially me. The hard drive is huge and can hold many many videos and music files. I've never owned a Toshiba but doing research has lead me to the fact that they are ranked as one of the top three manufactures of laptops! In terms of use, it was very easy to set up, the mouse pad is great and feels great, the keyboard is easy to use, and the battery is AMAZING. My previous laptop would only last 2 hours on a full charge, so this is a HUGE improvement. Although I haven't had it very long, I am excited to be using it for the upcoming semester.Read Best Reviews of Toshiba Satellite L755-S5271 15.6-Inch LED Laptop (Grey) Here
Included below are parts of my initial review and updates as product, customer service and warranty got worse. MY FINAL REVIEW: Not only is this particular model so poorly made that I probably got 3 months decent use during the 8 months I've owned it and the 2nd one since Amazon replaced the first defective laptop; the rest of the time was spent making phone calls regarding this product. I spent more time, money and mental energy than it's worth to end up owning a lump of computer parts that I can do nothing with. TOSHIBA HAS HORRIBLE POST SALE CUSTOMER SERVICE, case #s disappear and the last straw was a Case Manager telling me: "why did you take the laptop to that dealer, he is not authorized to work on YOUR MODEL LAPTOP take it to civil court that's all I can tell you" ... as if I chose this auth svc dealer myself, or they never knew what model I had after all the "case numbers" and conversations. ALl I have now from this incident is a pile of computer components that I can't even sell or give to anyone. I hope no one purchased one of these because of my initial review. Furthermore, I'll never review a product until I've used it for 6 mos or more I may not even review anything let alone ever purchase a product by TOSHIBA. If Amazon was not presently trying to get Toshiba to do something about the laptop, the authorized svc dealer then I'd never buy another item over $50.00 from Amazon. I'm just thoroughly disgusted and amazed at the business ethics I've encountered due to this laptop and advise everyone to not even think twice about purchasing this. I will contact every Consumer Affairs, BBB and anyone so that no one goes through what I have in the past 8 months. I cannot even express the anger and disappointment I feel strongly enough in this final review.*************** WORST TRANSACTION IN MY LIFE**************
* this is PART of my first review after one month of use:
"The hard drive died within 2 weeks of purchase. I liked how it performed while it did, so I ordered my current L755-S5271 (Fortunately Amazon [POP] has great warranty service).Toshiba Satellite L755D-S5279 15.6-Inch LED Laptop (Grey)I think this is a great laptop for me as an artist..."
****REVISED 12.11.11********** 5 MONTHS LATER, AM HAVING PROBLEMS WITH USB PORTS; INTERMITTENT CONNECTIONS. will see if I still think each company has such great warranty/tech service today, already had to exchange initial order due to Hard Drive***********
I feel I have to delete all the great things my initial review included about this laptop as they don't matter one bit when the computer they are part of breaks down approx every 35 days. I'll NEVER EVEN CONSIDER A TOSHIBA AGAIN. As of today the laptop has cost close to $1K in parts that were never authorized by me to order. I wont go into what this laptop has cost me in mental stress, anxiety medication and doctor visits. I'll try to be brief as possible; Toshiba has a questionable method for who they allow to be called: Certified authorized toshiba repair tech". Toshiba has no concern for anyone once they've made a purchase. I would not bother writing this if I felt even slightly that the things that happened to this laptop could've been caused by me. I may take this story to a News COnsumer Advocates journalist when I've recovered from this epic error in judgement, purchasing this laptop and wonder if I ever trust another review on a product. THIS COMPUTER IS ONLY 7 MONTHS OLD and the second one I've owned in 8 months. If this alone doesn't convince you to run fast and far from this model or if you really want to know all that's transpired in the past month between me, Toshiba and their authorized agents please feel free to contact me via Amazon. I cannot write this atrocity of a ridiculous tale one more time without being heavily medicated to stop my hands from shaking in anger and frustration. The computer was great when it DID work, but in retrospect I now realize Ie spent more time trying to find out what happened to the computer than I spent actually using it. If anyone would like further detail on what kind of "authorized service techs" Toshiba let's represent them and their post-purchase attitude towards consumers, againfeel free to contact me via Amazon. I have documentation and receipts and every reference number that has to do with the things that have happened during the 8 months of owning a L755-S5271. I'm already living with the guilt that someone may have read my initial review on this product and purchased one. I had no idea things like this could even happen to a computer ..OR THAT A COMPANY CAN TREAT PEOPLE IN THIS MANNER POST SALE. ....... was RETURNED with TOTALLY DEAD BATTERY which "should not be connected to the laptop again" when it had a life of 2-3 hrs PRIOR TO ENTERING THAT SHOP only because i left it attached to laptop which was being diagnosed for 75.00 after a phone call to Toshiba would only answer my question for 38.00 because someone read the wrong customer info and told me my Warranty was no longer valid. ..... If these and the other malfunctions didn't happen to ME I'd never believe this story. I'm just warning anyone considering this laptop ...
Want Toshiba Satellite L755-S5271 15.6-Inch LED Laptop (Grey) Discount?
I just got this laptop a few weeks ago and I am very impressed with it. It took me the best part of a day to bring it up to speed but after all the updates, getting rid of bloatware, and loading my own programs it is working great and I see no problems with it. True it is not a $2000 laptop but for what I need it for it might as well be. I have a $2000 HP elitebook which my company gave me for work and this Toshiba matches it in speed and that is with the 1st genration I5 processor. I am definitely happy with so far for the price. The free Avast 6.0 is working with it fine and not causing problems. With an addtional hardware proactive firewall I feel pretty safe. I would definitely reccommend this computer to anyone who just wants an everyday computer and wants to get the biggest bang for their buck. This is my first Toshiba. They have a good rep for build quality and failure rates so I am hoping it will last longer than my Dell which was all of three years. I let you know what I feel 6 months from now if this laptop is still up on Amazon.
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