I bought my Sony Vaio UX380N back in the beginning of 2008, and I haven't regretted it one bit. Even now, after having it and using it all this time, i still keep finding newer and more exciting ways to use my UX380N. Sony had a real winner on their hands with this model, but they were quite outrageous on the prices of them. If they would have lowered their prices to a more reasonable amount, and maybe have upgraded the RAM to 2Gb instead of just giving up on the UX model idea, they would and could have probably sold them like hot cakes. Everyone that I have talked to and showed my UX380N to really loved it, and they really were interested in purchasing one. But the Sony price of them, along with Sony's decision to discontinue the model rather than make a few upgrades to it and lower the price of it, drove them away from buying one. Sony could have made a killing profit with this model, but their poor business and tech practices, once again, put a damper on their sales.
Personally, I don't know or understand why Sony thinks so much of their cumputers that they raise their prices wayyyy above everyone else that builds computers with the same or better quality, and sells them cheaper, but Sony needs to come down to reality and notice and see that their brand name doesn't have the quality or known-ness as it once had. Sony just needs to come down to reality period. Until then, not too may people will pay their outrageous prices for things that they can just go to other manufacturers and get the same quality mwith a much more reasonable price tag. But still, that doesn't take away the wonderful computer that the UX380N is. If you can find a UX model UMPC at a reasonable price (Maybe @ $799 or less), then I highly recommend that you buy it. You will not regret it. Thanks for reading!!Bought my UX380N back in 2007, this is an excellent micro-laptop if you travel much. I usually bring two laptops when I travel a bigger 13" or 16" laptop to do serious work and this guy is my entertainment laptop to play video, light games and serve as my BACKUP laptop just in case anything happens to my main machine. In this regard it is perfect I could fit both laptops on my back pack and barely know the UX is there.
To fully appreciate this laptop, you MUST upgrade it to Windows 7 Vista Business is WAY too SLOW. Once you put Windows 7 it is a totally different machine snappy, performs well and is a joy to use. The 1G RAM is sufficient for Windows 7 but not Vista Business. Oh, I did a clean install as well for Windows 7 and loaded all Sony drivers, everything works perfectly, actually much better than under Vista.
The screen is small indeed, the keyboard tiny, but what do you expect it is a micro-laptop, it is supposed to be small. The quality of components is superb the screen is crystal clear, the keyboard slide action is great, can't expect better built quality than this. Never tried out the EDGE modem, but it is too slow to be of any use anyways.
By the way get the extended battery. It makes it slightly heavier but much more practical. I could get 5 hours of light use out of the UX. With the standard battery, it is slightly smaller and lighter, but not practical with only 2.5 hours of juice.
I wish Sony would continue production it is sad to see it discontinued....I've had a UX-380 for 3+ years, and it hasn't been used much the past year because of newer toys. But the first thing I did when I bought it was to rip out Vista and put in XPpro. Machine surprisingly fast, and is a REAL PC running all my desktop/laptop apps.
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