The problems started early 2009 when the adapter failed to charge the battery, apparently a common problem (google diy options). I was about 10-days out of warranty so as every one knows the company that once was a hallmark of customer service (circa 100 BC) flatly refused to fix it. Even the fix they condescendingly offered was not a guaranteed one.
Apparently, some claim the problem is with the NVIDIA drivers, and a subsequent overheating of the motherboard. It could also be that the adapter jack got fried, the battery is dead or the charge cord is dysfunctional. In summating costs, I realized the best way to fix it was to try and fix it myself.
So I upgraded my bios, changed cord, changed battery (about $175). Up and running again for about a year, until last night, when 'ptzzz, chtink....' tongue-out dead!
Cannot wake it up, tried three different cords, direct charge (no batt). Nothing.
I will take out the harddrive tonight to salvage it. My husband's work place will do it. I admit. Sometimes, just sometimes, I miss working in the high tech industry.
We have two Dell laptops (the other is a 'i-will-die-any-day now' vostro100) and two Dell PCs. Never again.
Now, if Apple hardware married nonproprietary software, I'd be set. But that is for a blog rant.Although the battery life isn't the greatest with just the standard edition, this laptop packs a lot of performance into such a slim and nice looking machine. The m1330 lets you surf the web, have multiple programs running, etc, all without affecting performance. Overall, great computer. I suggest buying the 9 cell battery.I've had my Dell XPS M1330 for about 2 years now. It has travelled with me extensively and really I have had no problems at all with it. The power cord did have trouble about 2 months after I bought the laptop, but Dell sent someone round and he replaced the power cord and it was fine after that. Aparently the part of the mother board that the power cord connects is prone to breaking but fortunately it was just my power cord that was faulty. 2 of the other girls in the company that I work got all singing all dancing top of the range Dells and had no end of trouble with them, and the Dell customer support was terrible which was a shame. Anyway, as I said, I've had my little XPS for 2 years and really no dramas so I would recommend this laptop.
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